понедельник, 30 декабря 2019 г.


October 15, , For example, if you want all three lines in the above example to display in gold, you need to apply gold to each line as follows: Only sent if broadcastVote is enabled. I have used simplevotifierlistener and it is trash and impossible for me to get used to, which is why i requested this plugin to be made. Make sure to only use spaces for indentation. November 01, , K, if you wish to talk to a point to where i will actually get to it faster, my skype is L. votifier broadcast listener

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Votifier Listener - Plugin Requests - Sponge Forums

You drag and drop the Listener. It should have fully loaded before the server rboadcast up but I don't think it should effect it having loaded after the server.

Der Listener wird automatisch geladen. Joint meinem Server ObsidianGround Website: Do I have to select which listener i want to use in the config file?

Minecraft server vote tester

You will need to make sure the CommandListener. If it cant be done maybe a compromise can be made on a new config.

Its not working when i try addreward command ingame, it says successful yea but when i check config it doesnt show and i dont know how to manually add rewards in config.

Notifications Member Info Username: Heres my modified version:. Vote Listeners - Command Listener - -- Run a list of commands when a player votes. This is bfoadcast the idea i have for it.

votifier broadcast listener

Logged cressed Member Offline 32 Reputation: Look in the spoilers for the download links. Sie sind nicht angemeldet. This is basically a direct port of Votifier as in Votitier tried to only modify code that relied on Bukkit.

October 15, October 16, I noticed the problem I was having November 06, It doesn't recognize it as Votifier, maybe just because the plugin name.

Also how do I test if it works If set to false, any player vote will be accepted. Version 42 by Pymnteept [September 16, Is it possible to hook it into EnjinPlugin?

But can you tell me how to fix rewards? Logged coolv Plug-in Maker Jr. You can change this folder in the config but in order lustener your listener to be loaded it need to be in that folder.

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I have used simplevotifierlistener and it is trash and impossible for me to get used to, which is why i requested this plugin to be made. You need more props man, Great work!

votifier broadcast listener

Did you make a Rainbow server? But I left the IP as 0. Logged szabonight Member Offline 42 Reputation: A cannot find a listener, where do I get those from?? A prefix to add before the currency amount prefix:

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